ENISA Telecom & Digital Infrastructure Security Forum 2024

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On the 15th of May, 09:30 -17: 45 Helsinki time, ENISA organises the 2024 edition of the Telecom & Digital Infrastructure Security Forum in Helsinki, Finland

About the Conference

ENISA organises the 2024 edition of the Telecom and Digital Infrastructure Security Forum which will be held on 15th May 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. In a period where a series of policy changes and new technological challenges arise, the need for interaction and coordination within the cybersecurity community is evident. In the upcoming forum presentations, discussions and interactions will be structured in three main pillars:

* on the impending changes that new policies such as the NIS2 and the CRA will bring in the telecom landscape;

* on the existing threat landscape and the cybersecurity operational challenges that telecom and digital infrastructure actors tackle with;

* on the technological breakthroughs in the domains of space and AI and how they may impact in the future the telecom and digital infrastructure.

Join Us!

Participation is open to all and free of charge upon mandatory registration. Consider your participation confirmed upon receipt of a confirmation email from [email protected]

Draft Agenda

09:00- Registration and Coffee
09:30 - Welcome statements and keynote speeches
10:30 - Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30 Telecom Policy Landscape

Objective: Inform about forthcoming policy initiatives and their rationale; receive feedback on policy implementation from Authorities and supervised entities

13:00 - Lunch break

14.15 – 15.30 Threat landscape and challenges in the telecom & digital infrastructure

Objective: Exchange opinions and approaches about threats in telecom and digital infrastructure sectors at EU and national levels and identify good practices

15:30 - Coffee break

16.00 – 17.30 Emerging technologies and their impacts in telecom & digital    infrastructure security

Objective: Explore the security landscape transformation that emerges in the light of space and AI recent developments

17.30 - Closing keynote and Q&A
18.00 - Cocktail Reception